Embracing Our Divine Advantage
By Aaron Jones
In His wisdom, Jesus proclaimed that it is to our advantage that He goes so that the Holy Spirit could take up residence within us. This extraordinary promise is a profound blessing that we, as believers, are privileged to share.
Paul, inspired by this same Holy Spirit, reassured us that God always causes us to triumph in Christ. This divine assurance is not just a fleeting benefit, but an unfair advantage bestowed upon every believer.
Living in Continuous Triumph
Just like all promises from God, this one is activated through our belief in Him. Reflect on the situations in your life, your family, your work, and imagine the mighty Holy Spirit causing you to overcome, win, and receive. Believe that this is happening now, and let your heart overflow with worship and gratitude in advance.
To triumph means that when the dust settles, the enemy looks like an idiot and we stand victorious. And when God says “always,” it means this victory happens over and over again in every facet of our lives. If God is for us, then who can stand against us? We are assured of continuous, undeniable triumph in Christ.
Start your day with this assurance, and let it transform your perspective. Begin to worship and thank Him for the victories ahead, for with God on our side, triumph is not just a possibility—it is a guarantee.