Mercy Triumphs in Our Failure
By Connie Jones
“Nor did he enter heaven to offer himself again and again, the way the high priest enters the Most Holy Place every year with blood that is not his own. 26Otherwise Christ would have had to suffer many times since the creation of the world. But he has appeared once for all at the culmination of the ages to do away with sin by the sacrifice of himself. 27Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment.” Heb 9:25-27

Caught and Guilty
What is that noise? The shouting and screaming! Who is that woman desperately clinging to the remnant of her tattered garment? It was dirty and torn by the violence of her captors; they were dragging her! Her bloodied arms and legs were barely visible through the mob of angry men cursing and kicking her – “Adultress! Guilty! Stone her!”
Her last hope of covering herself, her last piece of dignity, was stripped away as they cast her to the ground: naked, alone, ashamed.
She was torn only moments ago from her bed – brutalized, dehumanized, undressed, and exposed. In terror, tears streamed down her bruised, swollen cheeks; her eyes reached out to the crowds, begging, “Someone, please, stand up for me.” No one.
She closed her eyes and braced for the pain, for she was guilty.
The crowds fell silent – the shouts and demands for her death faded into whispers, then nothing. An eternity seemed to pass in that moment – still, no stones struck her. She dared to open her eyes. There He was, that man, Jesus. What was He doing here? Why is He looking at me? Why are they looking at Him? Questions and horror flooded her mind. He seemed only to be looking at her. His gaze burned inside her, and she knew He could see her. She slumped forward, dropping her head, and inside, she screamed, “Please throw the stones! I can not bear this man; I am a sinful woman!”
Their eyes were fixed on her and him. They held their breath, waiting for Him to move, waiting for Him to choose. He said nothing, bent down low, and began writing in the earth. The Law demanded judgment – but Jesus would not answer. Then, with 10 words, He pierced the silence, redeemed her life, and humbled her accusers, “Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.”
Mercy Triumphs Over Judgement
The religious leaders wanted to end Jesus. In their zeal to trap Him, they rescued her by throwing the guilty at the feet of Mercy, and Life Himself redeemed her.
What are you facing today? What is your past or the enemy trying to shame or expose in you? Is there guilt tormenting you? Let it bring you to the feet of Jesus. Be thrust upon Him. Let Him show you your value; let Him fight for you. See yourself in His presence, let Him look at you, let Him see you. Let Mercy choose you.
Jesus did not justify or make light of her sin; He did not say she was without sin. He revealed they were all guilty, deserved judgment, and needed Mercy. He was that for her, He would be that for them. He will be that for you.